Your deepest emotional need is to feel loved
Your deepest emotional need is to feel loved—it’s an intrinsic part of being human and plays a crucial role in your overall well-being. While you don’t need to feel love...
Keep Romance Hot! 🔥
No one enters a marriage or begins a relationship expecting the spark of romance to fade, yet this is often the reality for many new couples. If you find yourself...
Make Time ⏰ Not Excuses!
Busyness does not equal importance. Today, be intentional in your relationships. Make time to spend with your partner that you love and care about. Love is a choice. Love is...
People respect this
In my many years as a marriage counselor, I’ve drawn one conclusion: Everyone wishes their spouse would change. “We could have a good marriage if he would just help me...
Finding a middle ground on gender roles in a relationship
Finding a middle ground on gender roles in a relationship requires open communication, mutual respect, and a willingness to compromise. Here are some steps you can take to navigate this:...
Are you listening?
With our busy lives, misunderstandings are inevitable. You can prevent many conflicts by simply slowing down, setting aside distractions, and offering your full attention to the person who is speaking....
Remember when People Irritate You..
We live in an “on demand” culture. If you want to watch your favorite show or listen to a particular song, technology has advanced so that you can—on demand. If...
Finding common grounds when both partners strongly defend their perspectives and cannot agree on an issue
When both partners strongly defend their perspectives and cannot agree on an issue, it can be challenging but not impossible to find common ground. Here are some techniques to help...
Ever feel angry? That’s normal. But 5 tips to handling it healthier way
Ever feel angry? That’s normal. There’s nothing wrong with experiencing this human emotion. This issue is what you do with it. Do you deny it? Do you suffer in silence?...
Finding yourself overreacting to little irritations
Do you find yourself overreacting to little irritations? Your spouse forgot to pick up something on the way home, and it puts you in a bad mood for the entire evening....